Active and Passive Voice

Q.1 Complete the following paragraphs by filling in the blanks with the help of given options.

1. The neighbourhood children (a)________old clothes and toys for the flood victims.
More food (b)______by the flood victims. Bags of dal and rice (c)_______sent to
them. The Red Cross workers (d)________ working with the victims non–stop.

(a) (i) is collecting               (ii) are collecting        (iii) has collected             (iv) has been collected
(b) (i) is needed                   (ii) are needed             (iii) need                          (iv) needs
(c) (i) is being                      (ii) are being               (iii) was being                  (iv) am being
(d) (i) is                                (ii)was                        (iii)has been                     (iv)have been

2. Three rare birds (a) ________ by the ornithologists in the forest. They (b) _______
photographs of the birds. The behaviour of the birds (c) _______ by them for the next few

days. They (d)_________all the information about them.

(a) (i) spotted                         (ii) was spotted          (iii) is spotted                    (iv) were spotted
(b) (i) has taken                     (ii) have been taken   (iii) have taken                 (iv) are being taken
(c) (i) will be watched          (ii) will watch            (iii) are being watched      (iv) had watched

(d) (i) have got                      (ii) will get                 (iii)had got                         (iv)has got

3. The labourers (a).......... the truck. The boxes (b)........... carefully packed by us. The material
(c)_______ received by the client after two days. The driver (d) ........the payment cheque
from the client after delivery.

(a) (i) loads                       (ii) are being loaded         (iii) are loading                   (iv) is being loaded
(b) (i) has been packed     (ii) have been packed      (iii) have packed                 (iv) has packed
(c) (i) will be                    (ii)has been                        (iii)had been                       (iv)have been
(d) (i) will be collected     (ii) have collected              (iii) have been collected     (iv) will collect

4. The tourists (a)....... on a tour around the city. The guide (b)......... them several places of
interest in the last week. The tourists(c)........ with the guide’s knowledge about the

history of the place. He (d)________ a good review by them.

(a) (i) was taken                 (ii) were taken              (iii) is taken                    (iv) took
(b) (i) has been shown       (ii) have been shown    (iii) has shown                (iv) have shown
(c) (i) impressed                (ii) is impressed            (iii) was impressed          (iv) were impressed

(d) (i) was given                (ii)is given                    (iii)are given                    (iv)were given

Q2 The following sentences are not edited. There is one error in each sentenceagainst which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number given in the example.

                                                                                                Error              Correction

We are prepare the stage for t                                        e.g    prepare             preparing
The props have made by Pamela and Tina.                   (a)      have                have been
The stage is be set by Susan and others.                        (b)   is be set is         being set
Rohan and Jay are check the sound system                   (c)   are check           are checking
The lights in the hall are being test by Nitin.                 (d)       test                    tested

Q3 In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the
missing word, in the sentences of the given paragraph, along with the word that
comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided.

                                                                                           before         Missing word        after

The humble tomato is one the most widely              e.g     one                     of                         the
used ingredients dishes all over the world.               (a)    ingredients          in                      dishes
Recent advances in genetic science made it             (b)      science            have                     made
possible to alter the acidity in tomatoes make          (c)     tomatoes             to                      make
them tastier. Good tasting tomatoes sweet.               (d)    tomatoes            are                     sweet

Q4 Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.

(a) writing books / past / five years / she / has been / for the
She has been writing books for the past five years.

(b) an award has won her for children recent book
Her recent book for children has won an award.

(c) different / her novel / is visiting / she / parts of the world / to promote.
She is visiting different parts of the world to promote her novel.

(d) the plan for her next book has been already made
The plan for her next book has been already made.

Q5 Rewrite the following sentences by changing the voice.

(a) Grandfather built the house in 1960.
The house was built by grandfather in 1960.

(b) The house was fitted with all modern amenities.
He fitted the house with all the modern amenities.

(c) The family spends all vacations in the house.
All vacations are spent by the family in the house.

(d) A concrete road is now being built near the house by the local authorities.

The local authorities are building a concrete road near the house.


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